Friday, May 10, 2013

62 and counting.

No, 62 isn't the number of days I've been locked (although it's probably close to that). It's how many points I have. You see, my Keyholder has instituted a series of points for doing "going above and beyond" type things, extra good behaviour. She doles them out from time to time when I'm behaving particularly well. Up until now, the points did not concern me much, as I didn't know how many I have to get to to win release. I figured it was an arbitrary number, changed at her whim. Well, yesterday she informed me of my goal: 200. Now, I have something to shoot for, so to speak. It can't come too soon, either. I'm near to bursting!

1 comment:

  1. That explains why you've been so lackadaisical with the points system. Now that I've told you the goal number, I want to see how much more effort you put into your pampering. Don't keep me waiting, boy.
